Case Studies

Barbara Seagram Bridge

Had NO online presence before, was taking etransfers and cheques from clients, wasn't recording lessons...

We transformed her business online, and took her from $0 online revenue to over $300K just in the first year, and climbing steadily! While impacting new students on a global scale!

"I was about to retire! Instead, we have generated over $300,000 in the last year in ADDITIONAL online revenue & charity donations over and above what I would normally would have made. Jeremy has been phenomenal to work with, has helped me teach and sell over 35 online lessons, package the recordings into digital products, and now we have an e-commerce store where my books are sold online. If you need help growing your business online, Jeremy is your guy."  - Barbara Seagram, Owner

Enta Solutions Inc.

Had NO predictable way to generate new leads and appointments online. We helped them grow a consistent pipeline of leads from LinkedIn, and have grown from from 2 to 7 employees within a year, and they now have a dependable lead generation source to rely on for new business every month.
"It's game-changing for our business. We went from 2 people to 7 people, in less than a year. If you are on the fence, JUMP OFF, get in there! Don't wait! There is still time to DO digital! The best time to start was 5 years ago, the next best time is right now!" - Adam Kolozetti & Katelyn Bullock, Co-Owners

Re-Nuitt Builders Inc.

Helped scale from $0 to over $250K PER MONTH... In new residential renovation sales, within 90 days of working together, by building out our 5-Pillar Relationship-Based Branding System to grow businesses online.
"We implemented Platinum Lead's digital systems and it's allowed us to scale beyond multiple 6-Figures+ per month in revenue from working together, in only the first 3 months". (June 2022 - Aug 2022) - Dylan Resnick, Owner

Growth Roundtable For Entrepreneurs & Success Through Trust Inc.

Built out a revolutionary new content system for Social Media to generate leads, and set-up appointment funnels online to book qualified leads on their calendar. Now they SHOW UP and are SEEN daily as the experts in their field, online.
"Jeremy is strategic and full of practical advice. I would highly recommend Platinum Lead." - Natalie & Michael Oldfield, Co-Owners

John Rayner Bridge

Helped John go from $0 online revenue, to over $50K in his first month of launching & selling his online bridge lessons & recordings.

ArrowHead3 Consulting Inc.

We built out the marketing funnels, linkedIn lead generation and sales systems for Kevan to close his first virtual consulting deal for over $10K, from digitizing delivery of his knowledge online. 
"An Interactive Relationship. I knew you cared. The fact that you cared made the difference for me." - Kevan Kjar, Owner

Tangent Strategies Inc.

Digitized their knowledge and expertise into online marketing & sales assets they can promote, sell and scale with. 
"Jeremy has become, without question, a trusted and principled marketing partner." - Peter Skakum, Owner

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Pohne: +1 (416) 846-8048

What Makes Us Different

In compliment to what you learned above, and our unique marketing, sales & delivery systems for your expertise -  our Relationship-Based Branding™ methodology, once 'plugged' into your business, will unlock the following 4 superpowers in your business for next-level growth.

Exceptional Education
Fast education. More is not better, faster is better. Entrepreneurs are busy, they don’t have time to sit through 3 hour video lessons or listen to never ending stories. We tell you what to do, how to do it, and FAST. No fluff, straight to the point.
Proven, Direct Implementation Steps & Worksheets
We don't expect you to become an “in the weeds” marketer or nerd out on software. We build everything for you and teach you how to use it to grow your business and become an authority in your industry.
Simplify Everything
We take a simplified approach. You don’t need a podcast, youtube channel or huge email list. That can come later. We built an 8 figure business with just ONE Funnel. We’ve personally worked with over 1,000 clients to implement this system. Our process is battle tested and continually refined.
Conscious Closing™ Method
We don't believe in high-pressure sales. In fact we've developed a system of "ultra low pressure" sales that actually converts better and allows you to sleep at night.